白石是加拿大卑诗省大温哥华地区的一个城市。它位于大温地区南部,南临森美亚姆湾(Semiahmoo Bay),其余三方则被素里包围,而美加边境亦近在咫尺。据2011年人口普查,白石约有19,339名居民。白石市的名称来自市内海滨一颗白色巨石。此巨石是一颗冰河迷子石,于末次冰期从北方南移至此,约486吨重。它长年累月受海鸟粪覆盖而呈白色,到19世纪更被海员用作地标。巨石于过去一世纪成为涂鸦人士的目标,现时由白石市公园局不时刷上白色油漆以保持其外貌。白石市内没有任何省级公路,但卑诗省99号公路的走线离白石的市界线不远。这一段99号公路属于高速公路,北通温 哥华等地,南端则于美加边境接入5号州际公路。卑诗省99号公路于1960年代开通后,来往白石和温哥华以至大温其他城镇的车程大为缩减,加上白石的楼价较温哥华低,吸引不少退休人士和年轻家庭到此置业,白石亦逐渐从大温地区的避暑胜地转型为卫星城镇。
White Rock is a city in British Columbia, Canada. It is a member municipality of Metro Vancouver, the governing body of the Greater Vancouver Regional District. It borders Semiahmoo Bay and is surrounded on three sides by South Surrey. To the southeast across a footbridge lies the Semiahmoo First Nation, which is within the city limits of Surrey. Semiahmoo Bay and the Southern Gulf Islands in the Strait of Georgia are also to the south.
Because of the moderate climate, White Rock is a preferred retirement spot. The average summer temperature is 23 degrees Celsius while the winter average temperature is six degrees Celsius. The waterfront includes a promenade that is two and a half kilometres long, fully accessible to the disabled and parents with strollers. The heritage pier, train station, large beached ‘white rock’, and colourful sidewalk cafes create a special ambience throughout the area. Commuting to Vancouver takes about one hour. Dedicated bus and high-occupancy vehicle lanes make public transportation and car or vanpooling appealing.