西温哥华 (West Vancouver)

David Pan Surrey Realtor 西温哥华简称西温,是加拿大卑诗省大温哥华地区内的一个地方自治体,位于布勒内湾的北岸,西临豪湾,隔岸分别与温哥华市和宝云岛对望,并与北温哥华市和北温哥华区组成大温地区的北岸城镇(North Shore)。据2011年加拿大人口普查,西温哥华的人口为42,694人。西温以内的唯一一条高速公路是横加公路(卑诗省1号公路),西起马蹄湾,东至北温区。卑诗省99号公路则呈南北向,向南经狮门桥通往温哥华市中心,向北直通威士拿。1号公路介乎马蹄湾和泰莱路的路段是与99号公路共同组成。此外,卑诗渡轮公司亦于马蹄湾设有渡轮码头,提供前往纳奈莫、宝云岛以及阳光海岸的渡轮服务。

West Vancouver is a district municipality in the province of British Columbia, Canada. A member municipality of Metro Vancouver, the governing body of the Greater Vancouver Regional District, the municipality is northwest of the city of Vancouver on the northern side of English Bay and the southeast shore of Howe Sound, and is adjoined by the District of North Vancouver to its east. Together with the District of North Vancouver and City of North Vancouver, it is part of a local regional grouping referred to as the North Shore municipalities, or simply ‘The North Shore’, West Vancouver has a population of 42,694 (2011 census).[2] Cypress Provincial Park, mostly located within the municipal boundaries, was one of the venues for the 2010 Winter Olympics. West Vancouver is also home of Canada's first shopping mall, Park Royal Shopping Centre,[3] and also of the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal, one of the main connecting points between the British Columbia mainland and Vancouver Island.