北温哥华 (North Vancouver)

David Pan Surrey Realtor 北温哥华市是加拿大卑诗省大温哥华地区内的一个城市,位于布拉德内湾(Burrard Inlet)的北岸。它是大温地区三个北岸城镇(North Shore)中面积最小但也最都市化的一个市镇。虽然它有自己的航运、化工、影音等重要制造产业,但它普遍仍被认为是温哥华郊区的小城镇。北温市和温哥华隔着布拉德内湾(Burrard Inlet)遥相对望,而其他三边则被北温区所包围。而中朗斯代尔和下朗斯代尔等商业区人口相对密集,且有一定数目的住宅和高楼大厦等建筑物。而温哥华「北岸」通常是指和北温市一样为自治单位的北温区和西温区。两个「北温」之间最大的不同便在于它们的居民,但大抵来讲,其余内陆居民很少会去区分两者间的不同。从北温市到温哥华市有两座桥可通行:狮门桥(Lions’ Gate Bridge)和钢铁工人纪念第二海峡桥(Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing)。市民亦可选择乘搭SeaBus到温哥华;海上巴士和市内的公车服务同由运输联 线(TransLink)旗下的岸山巴士公司营运。市内公车服务的枢纽位于朗斯代尔码头(Lonsdale Quay)。市内最主要的道路为朗斯代尔大道(Lonsdale Avenue),由北温码头一直向北到29街,并延伸到北温区的Rockland Road为止。横加公路(卑诗省一号省道)跨越北温市北部,共有三个交流道位于市内,分别为Lynn Valley Road(出口19)、Lonsdale Avenue(出口18)和 Westview Drive(出口17)。

The City of North Vancouver is a waterfront municipality on the north shore of Burrard Inlet, directly across from Vancouver, British Columbia. It is the smallest of the three North Shore municipalities, and the most urbanized as well. Although it has significant industry of its own, including shipping, chemical production, and film production, the city is usually considered to be a suburb of Vancouver. The city is served by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, British Columbia Ambulance Service, and the North Vancouver City Fire Department. The City of North Vancouver is connected to Vancouver by two highway bridges; the Lions' Gate Bridge and the Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing, and also by a passenger only ferry, the SeaBus. This system as well as the bus system in North Vancouver is operated by Coast Mountain Bus Company, an operating company of Translink. The hub of the bus system is Lonsdale Quay, location of the SeaBus terminal. The main street in the city is Lonsdale Avenue, which begins at Lonsdale Quay and goes north to 29th Street where it continues in the District of North Vancouver, ending at Rockland Road.
Highway 1, part of the Trans-Canada Highway (often referred to as the "Upper Levels Highway") passes through the northern portion of the city. It is a freeway for its entire length within the City of North Vancouver. There are three interchanges on Highway 1 within the City of North Vancouver: