高贵林市是加拿大卑诗省大温哥华地区内的一个城市,与邻近的满地宝和高贵林港以及安莫尔村和贝卡拉合称为大温地区的三联市。根据2016年加拿大人口普查,高贵林市的人口有139,284人。高贵林市位于温哥华以东约十五公里,西边与满地宝和本那比接壤,东北边隔着匹特河(Pitt River)与匹特草原相望,东南边与高贵林港为邻,南面隔着菲沙河与素里相望,西南方则是新威斯敏斯特。高贵林市与大温地区其他城镇一样,处于太平洋时区内(冬季时间UTC-8;夏季时间UTC-7)。运输联线负责为高贵林管理主要道路网及提供公共交通服务,包括有多条公车线连接市内各处及通往大温地区其他城镇 。温哥华架空列车千禧线的长青延线于高贵林市内设有四个车站,分别为本贵林站、高贵林中央站、林肯站和拉法基湖-道格拉斯站,而连接温哥华市中心和米逊的西岸快车通勤铁路亦于高贵林中央站停靠。另有两条卑诗省道横越高贵林市,包括1号省道(横加公路)和7号省道(洛歇公路)。前者取道曼港桥跨越菲沙河,连接高贵林和素里。
Coquitlam (2016 census population 139,284) is a city in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada. Coquitlam, mainly a suburban city, is the sixth-largest city in the province and is one of the 21 municipalities comprising Metro Vancouver. Coquitlam borders Burnaby and Port Moody to the west, New Westminster to the southwest, and Port Coquitlam to the southeast. Burke Mountain, Eagle Ridge, and 1,583 m (5,194 ft) tall Coquitlam Mountain form the northern boundary of the city. Coquitlam's area, 152.5 square kilometres, dwarfs the other communities in the Tri-Cities; it is about six times larger than either Port Moody or Port Coquitlam.
Like Vancouver, Coquitlam is in the Pacific Time Zone (winter UTC−8, summer UTC−7), and the Pacific Maritime Ecozone. Coquitlam is one of the fastest growing communities in the Metro Vancouver region and British Columbia and has many factors that contribute to a quality of life and lifestyle that is second to none.