本拿比 (Burnaby)

David Pan Surrey Realtor
本拿比是加拿大卑诗省的一个城市,紧接在温哥华市的东面。按人口计算,本那比在卑诗省内位列第三,仅次于素里市和温哥华市。本拿比于1892年正式成立,并于100年后(即1992年)升级为市。它是大温哥华区域局其中一名成员,并且是大温区域局行政总部的所在。本那比市占地98.6平方公里(38.07平方英里),位于大温哥华地区的中心,西临温哥华市,东邻满地宝、高贵林市和新威斯敏斯特,南起菲莎河,北至布勒内湾。本那比与温哥华和新威斯敏斯特占了布勒半岛的大部分。而本那比的地势由海平面一直到海拔370公尺,最高处位于本那比山上。本那比的地景主要由小山 、土坎、河谷和一个冲积平原组成,这些特点以及其地理位置都深深的影响着城市。虽然本拿比的土地面积只占整个大温哥华地区约4%,但2016年时人口是大温地区的9.5%。本拿比的人口为232,755人,是卑诗省内继温哥华和素里后的第3大城市。就像大温哥华多数的地区一样,本那比也有许多的移民社区,举例来说:本那比北部的喜士定街长期以来都有许多的意大利餐听和意式滚球馆,而铁道镇内如雨后春笋般的多层公寓建筑群,某程度上亦是拜由大中华地区(包括台湾、香港和澳门)、南韩和南斯拉夫涌入的新移民所赐。根据2006年人口普查

Burnaby occupies 98.60 square kilometres and is located at the geographical centre of the Metro Vancouver area. Situated between the city of Vancouver on the west and Port Moody, Coquitlam, and New Westminster on the east, Burnaby is further bounded by Burrard Inlet and the Fraser River on the north and south respectively. Burnaby, Vancouver and New Westminster collectively occupy the major portion of the Burrard Peninsula. The elevation of Burnaby ranges from sea level to a maximum of 370 metres (1,200 ft) atop Burnaby Mountain. Due to its elevation, the city of Burnaby experiences quite a bit more snowfall during the winter months than nearby Vancouver or Richmond. Overall, the physical landscape of Burnaby is one of hills, ridges, valleys and an alluvial plain. The land features and their relative locations have had an influence on the location, type and form of development in the city.